

You now have smooth, beautiful skin and you want to keep it that way, right? Home care is key! Exfoliate 3 times a week. Keeping the dead skin - build up away will allow your hair to break through the skin easier and prevent ingrown hairs. Moisturize daily to keep your hair and skin soft. We recommend our Scrub 'Me' Lucious for exfoliating and our RenewU for moisturizing.

If you are prone to ingrown hairs, don't wait till you have them to address them. We recommend applying Relax & Wax Get The Bump Outta Here daily to keep them away. It comes in a mess free roll on and is formulated for all skin types, even sensitive skin.

Don't touch! We know its hard and you just can't help but feel your freshly waxed soft skin- but don't! For the first 24 hours your pores are open and prone to infection. The area needs to stay as clean as possible during this time. This means for the first 24 hours- no swimming (baths, pools, hot tubs, lakes, etc.), no intercourse, and no excessive sweating. NO TANNING FOR 48 HOURS - your freshly waxed skin will burn! If you come in for a chest or back wax, bring a clean shirt to put on afterwards. For all other areas we recommend wearing loose clothes afterward, friction from tight clothing can cause irritation.

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