Brazilian Waxing

  • What is a Brazilian wax and how is it different from a bikini wax?

    A Brazilian wax removes all hair from the pubic region, front to back, including the labia and perianal area. A bikini wax typically only removes hair that would be visible outside a bikini bottom.

  • How long does my hair need to be for a Brazilian wax?

    Your hair should be at least 1/4 inch long, which is usually around 2-3 weeks of hair growth after shaving.

  • How can I prepare for my Brazilian wax appointment?

    Shower prior to your appointment and gently exfoliate the bikini area to remove dead skin cells. Avoid using any oils or lotions as they can impede wax adhesion.

  • What should I do after getting a Brazilian wax?

    Avoid heat, such as hot baths or saunas, excessive sweating, and tight clothing for the first 24-48 hours. Gentle exfoliation after a few days can help prevent ingrown hairs.

  • How often should I get a Brazilian wax?

    Most clients schedule appointments every 4 to 6 weeks to maintain a smooth appearance and to catch the hair at the optimal length for waxing.

Manzillian Waxing

  • What exactly is a Manzilian wax?

    A Manzilian wax involves removing hair from the groin area, including the penis, scrotum, and perianal region. It can be customized to leave a strip or shape of hair if preferred.

  • Are there any risks to Manzilian waxing?

    While waxing is safe, there's a small risk of ingrown hairs, minor bleeding from hair removal, or irritation. Following pre- and post-care instructions reduces these risks.

  • How should I prepare for a Manzilian wax?

    Cleanliness is key, so shower before your appointment. Avoid lotions or oils in the area to be waxed, and exfoliate 24-48 hours before to remove dead skin cells.

  • How long does a Manzilian wax last?

    Results can vary, but most clients experience smooth skin for 3 to 6 weeks. It's recommended to schedule regular appointments every 4-6 weeks to maintain results.

  • Is there any aftercare required following a Manzilian wax?

    Yes, you should avoid heat, sweating, and friction for the first 24-48 hours. Wear loose-fitting clothing, and avoid swimming, saunas, and intense workouts. Exfoliate gently after a few days to prevent ingrown hairs.

Lower Body Waxing

  • What is the benefit of waxing my legs instead of shaving?

    Waxing removes hair from the root, leading to smoother legs for a longer period compared to shaving. Waxing can also result in less regrowth over time, and the hair that does grow back is usually finer and softer.

  • How long does the leg waxing process take?

    The time required for leg waxing can vary, but on average, it may take between 30 minutes to an hour for both legs. This includes preparations, the waxing process, and any after-care advice from your esthetician.

  • How soon can I work out after getting my legs waxed?

    It's best to wait at least 24 to 48 hours before engaging in heavy workouts that induce sweating or cause friction on the waxed areas, as this could lead to irritation or clogged pores.

  • Is it okay to sunbathe or use a tanning bed after leg waxing?

    You should avoid direct sunlight and tanning beds for at least 24 to 48 hours after waxing, as your skin is more sensitive and prone to sunburn immediately following the treatment.

  • Can I apply lotion or oil to my legs after waxing?

    After waxing, it's best to use a fragrance-free, gentle lotion to moisturize the skin. However, you should avoid oils immediately after waxing as they can clog pores and lead to ingrown hairs.

Chest Waxing

  • How do I know if chest waxing is the right choice for me?

    Chest waxing might be a good option if you are looking for a smooth appearance and longer-lasting results than shaving. Consider your personal comfort with hair removal, potential skin sensitivity, and the maintenance required. A consultation with your esthetician can provide personalized advice.

  • Can chest waxing improve muscle definition appearance?

    Yes, many find that removing hair from the chest can accentuate muscle definition, making the contours and shape of the muscles more visible.

  • Is it normal for the chest area to be red after waxing?

    Yes, it's common to experience redness and slight irritation immediately after waxing due to hair being removed from the follicle. This should subside within 24 hours. Applying a soothing lotion or aloe vera can help calm the skin.

  • Can I do chest waxing myself at home?

    While home waxing kits are available, professional waxing is recommended for the chest area due to the complexity of reaching all areas evenly and the potential for pain management. An experienced esthetician can provide a more efficient and less painful experience.

  • What should I avoid after getting my chest waxed?

    For the first 48 hours post-wax, avoid heavy sweating, sauna sessions, chlorinated pools, direct sunlight, and abrasive scrubs to prevent irritation and blemishes.

Underarms Waxing

  • What are the benefits of underarm waxing over shaving?

    Underarm waxing can lead to longer-lasting results, with smoothness that can last up to six weeks. It also removes the hair from the root, which may result in finer and sparser regrowth over time. Additionally, waxing helps to exfoliate the skin, potentially reducing dark marks and ingrown hairs often associated with shaving.

  • Is it safe to apply deodorant or antiperspirant after waxing?

    Directly after waxing, your skin may be sensitive, so it's best to avoid applying deodorants or antiperspirants containing aluminum or alcohol for at least 24 hours to prevent irritation.

  • Can underarm waxing reduce body odor?

    Some people find that underarm waxing reduces body odor because hair can trap sweat and bacteria. With less hair, there may be less surface area for bacteria to thrive on.

  • Can I go swimming after waxing my underarms?

    It's recommended to wait 24 to 48 hours before swimming in pools, lakes, or oceans to prevent bacteria from entering the open follicles and to avoid irritation from chlorinated water.

  • Will waxing my underarms make the skin look lighter?

    Waxing may help to lighten the appearance of the underarms by removing the build-up of dead skin cells and hairs that can make the area look shadowed or darker.

Lip Waxing

  • Can I still get lip waxing if I have a cold sore?

    It's best to wait until your cold sore has fully healed before getting lip waxing done, as waxing can irritate the area and potentially spread the virus.

  • Is lip waxing better than threading or tweezing?

    Each method has its advantages. Lip waxing can be quicker and more efficient at removing a larger area of hair at once, while threading and tweezing offer precision for individual hairs. The best method depends on personal preference and skin sensitivity.

  • Can lip waxing cause wrinkles?

    No, lip waxing does not cause wrinkles. The idea that waxing leads to wrinkles is a myth. Waxing removes hair from the root but does not affect the elasticity or integrity of the skin.

  • Can I apply makeup immediately after lip waxing?

    It's advised to wait at least 24 hours before applying makeup to the waxed area to prevent clogged pores and irritation. If you must apply makeup, ensure it's non-comedogenic and gentle on the skin.

  • What should I do if my skin reacts poorly to lip waxing?

    If you experience a reaction, a cold compress can help soothe inflammation. Use a gentle, fragrance-free moisturizer to hydrate the area and avoid touching or picking at it. If the reaction is severe or persistent, consult with a dermatologist.

Ear Waxing

  • Is ear waxing common and who typically gets it done?

    Ear waxing is becoming increasingly common, particularly among those who have noticeable hair growth on their ears that they wish to remove for aesthetic reasons. It's popular with men and women who want to maintain a groomed appearance.

  • How is waxing the ears different from waxing other parts of the body?

    Ear waxing requires precision due to the small and intricate areas involved. A professional esthetician will use special techniques and a gentle wax suitable for sensitive skin to safely remove hair from around the ear lobes and, if necessary, from the entrance to the ear canal.

  • Can ear waxing help with hearing?

    No, ear waxing only addresses the external parts of the ear and does not affect the ear canal where wax buildup can impact hearing. It's important not to wax inside the ear canal as this can be dangerous.

  • How long does the actual ear waxing process take?

    Ear waxing is a quick process, typically taking only a few minutes per ear as there isn't usually a large amount of hair to remove.

  • How soon after ear waxing can I wear headphones or earbuds?

    You can typically wear headphones or earbuds immediately after waxing, but if you experience sensitivity or irritation, it's best to wait until any redness or tenderness subsides.

Eyelash Extensions

  • How long do lash extensions last?

    They last as long as your natural lash cycle, most people require a fill every 2-3 weeks, while others can go 4-6 weeks.

  • Does lash extension application hurt?

    No, if done correctly, there is no pain involved.

  • Do Lash extensions damage your natural lashes?

    No, if done correctly there is no harm done to natural lashes.

  • Can I wear mascara with my lash extensions?

    No, there is no need. You can wear make up as normal, besides mascara. Nothing should be put on your extensions.

  • Should I wash my lashes?

    Yes, it’s very important to clean your lash extensions with a lash extension approved cleanser and brush.

Foot Zoning

  • What exactly is foot zoning?

    Foot zoning is a holistic approach that involves applying pressure to specific points on the feet, similar to reflexology. Each zone or point corresponds to different organs and systems in the body. The pressure aims to promote balance, improve energy flow, and support overall well-being.

  • How does foot zoning differ from a regular foot massage?

    While a foot massage mainly focuses on relieving tension and promoting relaxation through general techniques, foot zoning targets specific zones on the feet that correspond to various body parts, with the goal of addressing specific health issues and restoring balance.

  • How long does a typical foot zoning session last?

    A standard foot zoning session typically lasts between 45 to 60 minutes, but the duration can vary based on the individual's needs and the practitioner's approach.

  • How many foot zoning sessions will I need before I see benefits?

    The number of sessions needed can vary greatly among individuals. Some may feel immediate benefits, while others might require multiple sessions to notice improvements. Your practitioner can recommend a plan based on your specific needs.

  • Are there any conditions that foot zoning can specifically help with?

    Supporters of foot zoning claim that it can help with a variety of conditions by restoring energy balance in the body, including stress, digestive issues, hormonal imbalances, and chronic pain. However, scientific evidence supporting these claims is limited.

Spray Tans

  • How long does a spray tan typically last?

    A spray tan usually lasts between 5 to 10 days, depending on your skin's natural exfoliation process and the aftercare you follow. Moisturizing regularly and avoiding exfoliation can help extend the life of your tan.

  • How can I prepare my skin for a spray tan?

    For optimal results, exfoliate your skin thoroughly 24 hours before your appointment to remove dead skin cells and create a smooth surface. Avoid wearing lotions, perfumes, or deodorants on the day of your spray tan, as they can create a barrier that affects the tan’s application.

  • Will swimming affect my spray tan?

  • How soon after my spray tan can I shower?

    It is recommended to wait at least 4 to 8 hours after a spray tan before taking a shower to allow the product to fully develop. Your technician will give you a more precise waiting period based on the formula they use.

  • Can I shave or wax after getting a spray tan?

    It's best to shave or wax at least 24 hours before your spray tan to avoid disrupting the tanned skin. Shaving after your tan can also exfoliate the skin and fade your tan prematurely.

Chemical Peels

  • Are there any contraindications for chemical peels?


    • Active cold sores, herpes simplex, or warts in the area to be treated
    • Wounded, sunburned, or excessively sensitive skin
    • Accutane use within the last year
    • History of recent chemotherapy or radiation therapy
    • Allergies to aspirin
    • Women who are pregnant or actively breastfeeding
    • Clients with Vitiligo
    • Clients with a history of autoimmune disease (such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, etc) or any condition that may weaken their immune system
  • What can I expect the first 24 hours after the peel?

    Your skin will feel tighter and be more red then usual. These are self-neutralizing peels and clients should wait at least 4 hours before washing their face.

  • What products or procedures should I avoid before a chemical peel?

    • One week before the peel avoid waxing, electrolysis, depilatory creams, and laser hair removal.
    • Two to three days before the peel discontinue using any prescription topicals such as Retin-A, Differin, or Tazorac, as well as any products containing retinol, alpha hydroxyl acids (AHA), beta hydroxyl acids (BHA), or benzoyl peroxide.
    • Clients who have had any medical cosmetic facial treatments or procedures such as Laser treatments, cosmetic fillers, or other surgical procedures should wait until skin sensitivity has completely resolved before receiving a peel.
  • Why did I not have any visible peeling after my peel?

    The success of the peel should not be judged by the amount of peeling, but by the end results that the peel will produce.

    The amount of peeling may vary depending on the individual skin condition at the time of the peel or the depth of the peel.

    The skin is still sloughing off at an accelerated rate, resulting in the improvement of skin tone and texture and an improvement of fine lines and uneven pigmentation.

  • What should I expect during treatment?

    Procedures may vary depending on the type of chemical peel chosen. Skin is prepped using a medical degreaser to ensure the treated area is free of any oils left on the skin.

    The chemical agent is then applied and typically remains on the skin for 3 to 5 minutes. Most patients feel a mild stinging which is temporary and usually subsides after a few minutes.

    Some peels are designed to self-neutralize and may remain on your skin for 2-4 hours.

  • What do chemical peels do?

    Chemical peeling agents resurface the skin by inducing a controlled wound and thus removing superficial layers of the skin.

    As a result, chemical peels promote the growth of a new healthy top skin layer and improve skin problems like hyperpigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles, uneven texture, and skin impurities.



  • How far in advance do I need to cancel my appointment at BARE Esthetics to avoid a cancellation fee?

    You need to cancel your appointment at least 24 hours before your scheduled start time to avoid a cancellation fee.

  • What happens if I do not show up for my appointment or fail to notify BARE Esthetics properly?

    If you do not show up for your appointment without proper notification, you will be subject to a "NO SHOW" fee, which is 50% of the scheduled service value.

  • What is the policy if I arrive late to my appointment?

    If you are up to 15 minutes late, Bare Esthetics Studio will still provide the service and will charge the full service price. If you are more than 15 minutes late, you will be asked to reschedule and will be charged the full service price. For a 15-minute service, such as a brow wax, these policies go into effect if you are more than 5 minutes late.

  • What if I miss two appointments in a row without proper cancellation or notification?

    If you miss or cancel two appointments in a row without proper notification, you will be required to pay a minimum of 50% of the service value as a non-refundable deposit for the next service you wish to book.

  • Are there any exceptions for the cancellation and "no show" policies, such as an emergency?

    Bare Esthetics Studio understands that sometimes emergencies occur that are out of your control. If you have an emergency, they advise that you reach out to them directly to discuss the situation, and they may overlook the standard policies.

Bikini Waxing

  • What exactly is a bikini wax?

    A bikini wax involves removing the hair that would be visible around the bikini line. This typically means hair along the top and sides of the bikini area, but not as much hair as would be removed during a Brazilian wax.

  • Can I get a bikini wax during my menstrual period?

    Yes, it’s possible, but your skin might be more sensitive. If you choose to schedule an appointment during your period, please use a tampon for your comfort and hygiene.

  • How can I prevent ingrown hairs after a bikini wax?

    Exfoliate the area gently a few days after waxing and continue to do so a few times a week. Also, wear loose clothing to avoid irritation and use products formulated to prevent ingrown hairs.

  • How quickly after a bikini wax can I go swimming?

    It's best to wait at least 24 to 48 hours before swimming to avoid bacteria entering the open follicles and causing irritation or infection.

  • Is it safe to wax if I have sensitive skin or allergies?

    Yes, but please inform your esthetician about your sensitivities or allergies before the waxing so we can use appropriate products and techniques. A patch test may also be recommended to ensure you don't have an adverse reaction to the wax.

Arm Waxing

  • What does arm waxing involve?

    Arm waxing is the process of removing hair from the entire arm, from the shoulder to the wrist, or just the forearm, using wax. It leaves your arms smooth and hair-free for weeks.

  • How can I prepare for an arm wax?

    Shower and gently exfoliate your arms before the appointment to remove dead skin cells and lift hairs for a cleaner wax. Avoid applying lotions or oils before your session.

  • How long will the results from an arm wax last?

    Results vary by individual, but you can expect smooth arms for 4 to 6 weeks. With regular waxing, hair growth may become finer and sparser.

  • Can I get an arm wax if I have tattoos?

    Yes, waxing over tattoos is safe, and it can even help exfoliate the skin and potentially make your tattoos appear brighter by removing the dead skin cells and hair that cover them.

  • How can I prepare for an arm wax?

    Shower and gently exfoliate your arms before the appointment to remove dead skin cells and lift hairs for a cleaner wax. Avoid applying lotions or oils before your session.

Back Waxing

  • I have acne on my back. Can I still get a back wax?

    If you have active, severe acne, it's best to wait until it clears up before waxing, as waxing can irritate your skin further. For mild acne, waxing is often still possible, but consult with your esthetician beforehand.

  • Are there any activities I should avoid after getting my back waxed?

    For the first 24-48 hours after waxing, avoid swimming, sunbathing, and excessive sweating (like intense workouts), as the pores are open and more susceptible to irritation and infection.

  • How should I prepare my skin for a back wax?

    You should cleanse your back and exfoliate a day prior to your appointment to remove dead skin cells. This helps the wax adhere better to the hair and less to the skin, reducing discomfort and ensuring a smoother result.

  • What is the estimated time it takes for back waxing?

    A full back wax typically takes between 20 to 40 minutes, depending on the amount of hair and its thickness.

  • Is there any special care I need to take for my skin post-waxing?

    Yes, keep the waxed area clean and wear loose clothing to let the skin breathe. Apply a soothing lotion or aloe vera gel to alleviate any redness or irritation. Avoid direct sunlight, and start exfoliating after a few days to prevent ingrown hairs.

Stomach Waxing

  • Who typically gets stomach waxing done?

    Stomach waxing is for anyone who prefers a hair-free abdominal area. It's popular among those who want a cleaner look, athletes, bodybuilders, and individuals who simply feel more comfortable without stomach hair.

  • Does stomach waxing hurt more than other areas?

    Pain tolerance varies by individual and body area. The stomach may be slightly more sensitive due to the soft skin, but any discomfort is typically brief. Consistent waxing can result in reduced pain over time.

  • Is it safe to wax my stomach if I have a belly button piercing?

    Yes, it's generally safe, but you should remove the piercing if possible to ensure a smooth waxing session. If you cannot remove it, your esthetician will work carefully around it.

  • Can I exercise after getting my stomach waxed?

    It's best to wait at least 24 hours before engaging in activities that cause heavy sweating or friction on the waxed area to prevent irritation and clogged pores.

  • How do I maintain my stomach area post-waxing?

    Keep the area clean and moisturized, wear loose-fitting clothing to allow the skin to breathe, and avoid direct heat or UV exposure for a couple of days. Exfoliate regularly after the skin has calmed down to maintain smoothness and help prevent ingrown hairs.

Brow Waxing

  • How can I determine the best eyebrow shape for my face?

    The best eyebrow shape for your face depends on your face shape and features. Our estheticians can help you understand which shape enhances your natural appearance and complements your facial features.

  • Can I wear makeup to my eyebrow waxing appointment?

    It's best to arrive at your appointment without makeup on and around your eyebrows, as it can interfere with the wax's grip on the hair and potentially cause skin irritation.

  • What's the difference between eyebrow waxing and threading?

    Eyebrow waxing involves applying wax and removing it to shape the brows, while threading uses a piece of thread to pluck hair out at the follicle level. Waxing can be quicker, but threading offers precise control for shaping. The choice depends on personal preference and skin sensitivity.

  • How can I soothe my skin after eyebrow waxing?

    To soothe your skin after waxing, apply a cold compress or aloe vera gel. You should also avoid touching the area excessively to prevent irritation and breakouts.

  • Can I wax my eyebrows if I'm using retinol or acne treatments?

    Products containing retinol or other potent ingredients for acne treatment can increase skin sensitivity. Inform your esthetician of any products you are using, and consider pausing them a few days before your waxing appointment to reduce the risk of skin reactions. Always follow the advice of your dermatologist regarding these treatments.

Nose Waxing

  • Can I wax my nose if I have allergies or a sinus infection?

    If you're experiencing sensitivities due to allergies or have a sinus infection, it's best to wait until your symptoms have subsided before getting a nose waxing to avoid additional irritation.

  • How can I care for my nose after waxing?

    After waxing, avoid touching the inside of your nose to keep bacteria at bay. If needed, use a mild antiseptic wipe around the nostril area. You should also avoid swimming or submerging your head in water for the first 24 hours.

  • Are there any hairs that should not be removed from the nose?

    Yes, the hairs deep inside your nostrils serve as an important defense system against dust, pollutants, and pathogens. Only the hairs at the very edge of the nostrils that are visible should be removed.

  • What type of wax is used for nose waxing?

    For nose waxing, a gentle hard wax is used because it adheres to the hair without sticking aggressively to the skin. This type of wax is more suitable for sensitive areas.

  • Can I go about my normal activities after nose waxing?

    Yes, you can resume normal activities immediately after the waxing session. Just be mindful to keep the area clean and avoid touching the waxed region with unclean hands.

Full Face Waxing

  • What areas are included in a full face wax?

    A full face wax typically includes the eyebrows, upper lip, chin, cheeks, sideburns, and sometimes the forehead and the area between the brows. It does not include the scalp hairline or the internal areas of the nose or ears.

  • Is full face waxing suitable for people with acne?

    If you have active, severe acne, waxing can irritate your skin and should be avoided. For mild acne, speak with your esthetician prior to the service to discuss your options.

  • Can I apply makeup after a full face waxing appointment?

    It's best to wait at least 24 hours before applying makeup to give your pores time to close and to prevent irritation and breakouts from products.

  • Are there any medications or skin treatments that I should avoid before getting a full face wax?

    Yes, avoid retinoids, acne treatments, and any skin exfoliating treatments like chemical peels or microdermabrasion before waxing, as these can sensitize the skin. Inform your esthetician about any medications you are on.

  • Can full face waxing be performed on all skin types?

    Waxing can generally be performed on all skin types, but those with sensitive skin or specific skin conditions should consult with their esthetician and dermatologist beforehand to discuss potential risks and to ensure the skin is protected before and after the service.


  • How often should I get a manicure or pedicure?

    The frequency of manicures and pedicures can vary depending on personal preference and how quickly your nails grow. Typically, a manicure can last 1-2 weeks, while a pedicure can last up to 4 weeks. Many people schedule appointments every 2-4 weeks to maintain their nails.

  • Can I get a manicure or pedicure if I have nail fungus?

    If you have a nail fungus, it is best to treat the infection first before getting a manicure or pedicure to prevent spreading the fungus. Consult with a healthcare professional for treatment options.

  • How should I care for my nails at home after a manicure or pedicure?

    Keep your nails clean and moisturize your hands and feet regularly. Use cuticle oil to keep your cuticles healthy, and if you have polish on, consider applying a top coat every few days to extend the life of your manicure or pedicure.

  • Can I still have a pedicure if I have a small cut or blister on my foot?

    It is best to allow any open wounds, cuts, or blisters to heal before getting a pedicure to avoid infection. If you have a chronic issue like blisters or calluses, alert your technician so they can avoid the area or use a protective covering.

  • How long should I wait for my nails to dry after a manicure or pedicure?

    For regular polish, it's advisable to wait at least 10-15 minutes before you leave the salon to avoid smudging. Drying times can vary based on polish type and application thickness. Gel polish, however, is cured under a UV or LED lamp and is dry immediately.

Teeth Whitening

  • How old do I need to be to get my teeth whitened?

    We have seen clients as young as 14-60+ and seen amazing results with all age groups. Any client under the age of 18 must have a legal guardian sign a consent form. In order to have your teeth whitened. 

  • Is teeth whitening safe while pregnant or while nursing?

    Yes we use organic teeth whitening. But if you have any concerns always consult your physician to be sure. 

  • Can I whiten my crowns?

    No. Tooth bleach whitens natural teeth only. 

  • What if I experience tooth sensitivity from tooth bleaching?

    Some people experience sensitivity from whitening. As the Carbamide Peroxide penetrates the enamel to remove stains, it also removes the water in the tooth enamel resulting in slight dehydration of the enamel which is temporary and the tooth rehydrates as soon as saliva is reintroduced to the mouth after whitening This brief dehydration may cause some sensitivity to hot and cold liquids. For individuals who experience this, we recommend a reminral and desensitizing gel. "After Whitening Treatment Gel" which Rehydrates teeth and replaces minerals and phosphates in teeth.

  • How long do the results of teeth whitening last?

    The longevity of teeth whitening results depends on personal habits like diet and oral hygiene. Typically, results can last anywhere from 6 months to 3 years. To maintain results, avoid food and drinks that stain teeth, such as coffee and red wine, and follow a consistent oral hygiene routine. Touch-up treatments can also help extend the duration of whiteness.


  • What is Micro-needling?

    Micro-needling allows for a controlled process of the skin’s self-repair mechanism by creating micro “injuries” in the skin, which triggers new collagen production. Micro-needling is utilized to treat the appearance of fine lines, acne scars, minor trauma scars, hypo/hyperpigmentation, and improving the skin’s overall appearance.

  • How long does an appointment for Micro-needling take?

    Micro-needling treatment can take an hour-and-a-half, or more to complete. The time depends on the area that is being treated. This timeframe includes an additional 30 minutes for topical numbing to be applied prior to treatment.

  • How is Micro-needling administered?

    In a safe and precise manner with the use of a sterile micropen needle head and handheld micropen skin needling system. The micropen is gently pressed into the skin, and glides across the surface to induce new collagen and elastin.

  • Does Micro-needling hurt?

    While micro-needling can seem scary, the needles that we use during the procedure are microscopic. The forehead is the most sensitive because the skin is closest to the bone. A topical numbing agent is applied 30 minutes prior to Micro-needling to aid any discomfort during the procedure.

  • When will I begin to see results from my micro-needling treatment?

    Clients notice tightening, and a more even tone to their skin, a week or two after their first session. Areas with deeper imperfections, results can be subtler, and additional treatments are usually required. Since Micro-needling stimulates new collagen and elastin production, these results will continue to build for up to 6 months.

  • How long do results from Micro-needling results last?

    It is important to realize that we cannot stop the aging process, we can only slow it down. With maintenance every month you will notice remarkable differences in your aging and skin.

  • What areas can I treat with Micro-needling?

    Micro-needling can essentially be used on any part of the body. The most popular areas to treat are the face, neck, and chest. Micro-needling can also be effective on most types of scarring and stretch marks.

  • Is there any downtime a Micro-needling session?

    There is technically no downtime required after Micro-needling. After your treatment, your skin may be red. This is normal and to be expected. Redness usually lasts from one to 24 hours. You may also have a little swelling in some areas. A few days after your treatment your skin may become dry. Some clients go straight back to work.

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