

Master Esthetician

Meet Anna, a full body waxer and spray tan artist. While attending Taylor Andrews Academy she got to watch Cait demo a  Brazilian, this is when she became passionate in waxing. When she graduated in 2021 as soon as a spot opened up at bare esthetics, she swooped it up and has been providing full body waxing services ever since,  after some time Anna decided to add spray tans to her services as well.

Anna’s why “ I love that I get to help people feel more confident in their skin every day. I get to talk to amazing people and learn so many things from them every time I see them. the relationships I have built with returning clients is something I could’ve never dreamed of achieving.”

When Anna is not at the studio She works a part-time job as a bank teller, and volunteers with the youth with her religious group. She also loves to bake and curl up with a blanket with a good romance book. Anna also has seven nieces and nephews that she spends as much time as she can with.

Services Pricing

Full body Waxing +

Brazilian $60

Brazilian maintenance (4 week rebook) $50

Full arms $60

Half arms (elbow to wrist) $40

Full legs $70

Half legs (knee to ankle) $45

Back $65

Chest $45

Stomach $30

Underarms $20

Brows $25

Lip $10

Nose $10

Ears $10

Full face $45

Spray tan- $30

Call/Text Anna for any questions you may have

(801) 610-9655
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